Tuesday 31 July 2012

Today's baking adventure: Cheese and Parsnip Scones

So I love scones and we had a couple of parsnips hanging about that needed using. I'm sure I've seen a recipe for cheese and parsnip scones somewhere before, but when it came down to it I couldn't find one, so I made it up!
This will make 16-20 scones
250g plain flour
1tsp baking powder
Pinch of salt
100g margarine
2 medium sized parsnips
Grated cheese to taste - I used about 80g
a little milk

First things first, peel and dice the parsnips. Boil them for about five minutes until they're soft, then mash them.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius/ Gas Mark 6
Mix together the flour, salt and  baking powder.
Add in the parsnip and cheese, keeping backa little cheese to top them with.
 Mix together the whole caboodle to make a smooth dough, adding in the milk as you go.
Roll out the dough to about 1cm thick on a floured surface, and cut your scones out. I used a dinosaur-shaped cutter.
Bake for 20-25 minutes, topping them with a little cheese around the 15 minute mark.

Serve with butter, cream cheese or sour cream. I  discovered that black pepper Boursin is particularly good for them.